Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lesson Taset (5) - Got to watch a promotion Ceremony

Tonight we went to class, and Instructor Sculley took us through our stretches. I have decided that Since Instructor Henderson is a little older than me, I prefer his stretches to Instructor Sculley, as she is younger than I am and MUCH more flexible than I, her stretches hurt much worse! I suppose that means they are better for me, but... I have decided that I can do it no matter what.

After our stretches, we saluted the flag, the grand master, and Master Scota, as well as the instructors. (Found a good explanation of all of this here. )

Master Scota introduced us to the promotion ceremony. There were 7 10th gup students (white belt) that were being promoted to Yellow Belt. Something he said really caught my attention, "Approach each class with a white-belt mentality. Realizing that you have much to learn." That is a philosophy which helps us in life. If we approach every situation recognizing that we have much to learn then we will be much better off than if we approached it as thought we already know the answers.

There were Ilgot (7) promotions. two married couples and 3 individuals. I am still intrigued by the fact that students of all ages can be promoted to whatever level they can achieve. It's inspiring.

After the promotions Master Socta had us do some basic punches: a jab which I think is a Sang Dan Kyuk, performed from a front stance, Chun Gul Chase, with your hands up, the jab uses the front hand in a quick rotating punch, in and out.
We also did a reverse punch (?) I don't remember exactly what it's called, performed from the same stance as the jab, but with the back hand punching out, driven from the hip on the side where the punch comes from. We followed that punch with a Kap Kwan, or back hand punch, aimed at the temple area or to the side of the head.

After the punches we did some low blocks, HaDan Mahk Ki , working in either direction. I find that I have a slightly harder time remembering to setup for a block to the right side than to the left, I don't know why for sure, but I'm certain that this is normal as many things are easier for one side of the brain than the other.

Then we did something which I can see will really help with form, but really hurt too! Master Scota had us get on all fours, and then we practiced our kicking from a crawling position. Leg up, looking over the shoulder we were kicking to and then chambering the leg and kick, er kick, 10 times each, we did Yup Cha Ki (Side Kick) and then Tollyo Moo Roop Cha Ki ( Roundhouse Knee Kick) and then Dui Cha Ki (Back Kick), doing ten of each of these on each side about killed me. Master Scota had us stand up and do a set of front kicks ( Ahp Cha Ki ) while not putting the front leg down (Well I tried to not put it down, again it was easier on one side than the other).

By that time class was done, and it was time to go home. While I was tired I was not nearly as sore and worn out as previously... so it must be doing some good! :)

some useful terms:
0ne - Hana
Two - Tul
Three - Set
Four - Net
Five - Taset
Six - Yoset
Seven - Ilgot
Eight - Yodol
Nine - Ahop
Ten - Yol

Jonathan Wagner
Cho Bo Ja


  1. Love your blog to see new perspective. A reverse punch is called "Teul Oh Choong Dan Kong Kyuk".

    In moo do,
    Brian Corrales

  2. Oh cool! thanks for the help.. and keep reading... I'm sure this is going to be an interesting road! :)
